Monday, August 30, 2010

A Day of Renewal

For me today truly was a day of renewal. God reminded me of so many wonderful things today, I guess I'll start with this morning around 3:30 am. I couldnt sleep so I got up to spend some time in the word. To be honest I must have been too tired to remember what was running through my mind but I ended up writing this on one of my notepads:
If as Christians our life is centered around God and God is love then in essence our lives center around love. Our speech and our actions should reflect love in the way that God intends it to be portrayed. Our priorities are often times the best way to examine what or whom we love or hold in the highest regard. Is God in that number one spot each day?
I may have been to exhausted to remember those thoughts this morning but what a challenge to myself. I need to keep God first and I need to make sure that Im setting aside that personal time to spend with him because i know that relationships dont grow unless you spend time together.

Tonight some of the students here got together for "Worship Under The Stars" my friends did a great job of putting it together. I've only known them all for 10 days some of them not even that long but i am so blessed to have them. What a wonderful gift to have friends that love God with their lives an in all they do. I was amazed and overjoyed at the number of students that showed up for the time of worship and prayer. I am so thankful that God led me to Gordon College. I can't wait to see what else he has in store.

God Bless you guys, Keep shining Gods light!

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